


The Unione Industriale Torino, the Employers’ Association of Turin, is a voluntary association of companies, at a regional level, belonging to the Confindustria, which aims to represent, protect, promote and develop member companies and their interests.

More than 2000 associated firms, the majority based in Provincia di Torino.



Associated firms profile



(2.000 SMEs with 59.595 employees & 102 Big ones with 84.690 employees)


  • Agrofood: 61
  • Paper: 6
  • Chemicals: 84
  • Publishing companies: 15
  • Energy: 36
  • Rubber and electric components: 21
  • Graphics and paper industries: 34
  • Technological plants and equipments: 166
  • ICT: 192
  • Wood and cork: 16
  • Plastic materials: 45
  • Metalworking and mechanical engineering industry: 609
  • Transport: 66

Data referes to end November 2015


The Association offers a vast range of highly qualified services targeted at resolving business issues and problems inherent to each trade category.

It provides complete and up-to-date information for members, also using the latest communication systems (daily newsletter recapping the most important issues).

Each sector group is given attention separately (for instance: food, chemicals, ICT, wood, plastics, textile,…) and there are horizontal services which are delivered to every firm covering: 


  • Environment
  • Social assistance & security
  • Economics & Finance
  • Export
  • VET and labour market
  • Legal
  • Quality and regulation requirements
  • School and University
  • Economic studies and reports
  • Taxation
  • City planning
  • Horizon 2020 and UE programmes helpdesk

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